
Ballancerpro An FDA-cleared Compression therapy and high-powered pressure massage treatment (also known as "pressotherapy")


Consistent with — and complementary to — Tonic Wellness Boutique's other detoxifying treatments, Ballancer®Pro, provides effective lymphatic drainage which helps to promote the body's natural toxin-clearing functions. The revitalization and oxygenation of the tissue helps to slim and redefine the legs, stomach, and arms while enhancing skin tone.



Commonly used to relieve "heavy legs," reduce cellulite, provide pain relief, and aid in relaxation, Ballancer®Pro is also used to:

  • reduce stubborn weight gain

  • alleviate fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms

  • aid in digestion

  • reduce swelling

  • reduce fluid retention during pregnancy and postpartum

  • enhance breastfeeding

  • reduce headaches

  • heal sports injuries

  • accelerate surgery recovery

  • fade scars


Ballancer®Pro is based on decades of medical research, a massage of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes in the proximal areas near the core of the body.

This gentle, relaxing treatment is described in Hello Magazine as “lying in...air-filled trousers that cover the lower body from the toes to just below the diaphragm. The air is alternately compressed and released by a pump, effectively acting as a kind of ‘external heart’ and giving a clever, clinically-designed flush-out massage for the feet, ankles, legs and abdomen. The method has its origins in the medical world, where it was developed to help ease lymphoedema, the build-up of lymphatic fluid in hospital patients as a result of trauma, post-surgical immobility, cancer treatments including radiotherapy for breast cancer, and serious infections.”

Ballancer®Pro session are either 30, 45 or 60 minutes.